Adolph and Johanna Stern's house at 22 Friedberger Anlage, Frankfurt
This page hosts the family trees of the key ancestors of Günther Stern. There are also some family pages, but this part of the website is not very developed yet. This fan chart shows Günther's recent ancestors:
Unlike Ruth Leah's family tree, we have a high degree of certainty about Günther's ancestors in recent generations. Günther's father Siegfried was a descendant of the Stern and Goldschmidt families, which, as you can see, were interwined in previous generations. His grandmother Johanna was also a descendant of the Fuld family. His mother, Leah Hirsch, was descended from the Hirsch and Kulp families. Her father, Abraham Hirsch, was also a descendant of the large Auerbach Family. Both the Goldschmidt and Auerbach families have had hardcopy family trees published.
Theoretically, to include all David and Rafi Stern's 4th cousins on this side of the family, we could present a tree of the descendants of each of the eight couples of Günther's great-great-grandparents (the outermost row above). In practice, we only need six family trees to include all fourth cousins because Adolf and Johanna Stern were first cousins and Marx Isaac Kulp and Juda Michael Kulp were uncle and nephew (and Marx Isaac's wife, Karoline was also his niece and Juda Michael's cousin). Where there is a single known founder of a family in a recent century, as is the case for Stern, Goldschmidt, and Hirsch, we start the family tree from that person. So, we then have the following trees:
Stern: Descendants and their spouses of Mendel Stern, who lived in the early 18th Century in either Ziegenhain or the Ukraine.
Goldschmidt: Descendants and their spouses of Falck Jacob, born in 1697.
Hirsch: Aharon Hirsch, the founder of the metal working company Aron Hirsch & Sohn in Halberstadt, was the grandfather of Benjamin Hirsch. His earliest known paternal ancestor is Avraham Segal of Essen, born around 1600. The tree presents the latter's descendants and their spouses.
Fuld: Descendants of Herz Salomon and Caroline Fuld, Günther's great-great-grandparents.
Auerbach: Descendants and their spouses of Tzvi Binyamin Hirsch, the Nahal Eshkol, and his wife Leah Frenkel, Günther's great-great-grandparents.
Kulp: Descendants and their spouses of Isaac Herz Kulp zum Hecht and Rosle Kulp the common ancestors of Juda Michael Kulp and Marx Isaac Kulp.
We also include Günther Stern' ancestor tree, which includes all earlier ancestors. Mathilde Kulp, Clementine Fuld, and Julie Auerbach all have long documented ancestries, which are captured by this tree.
Finally, we also include a tree with a large number of relatives of David Stern and their spouses and some of those spouses ancestors. This is harder to navigate but allows you to see many of your ancestors and cousins simultaneously and make your own fan charts or ancestor trees on MyHeritage. Günther's ancestor tree goes deeper into the past.
Family Trees and Webpages
Last updated on 29 December 2023